Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lots of Little Decisions

OK, most of the big decisions have been made. Now to address some of the details.

Bike Security - What am I going to do to prevent my bike from "rolling away" at night or when I'm in a restaurant? If someone really wants it, there's not much I can do. But I should be able to discourage the opportunistic thief. So at night I figure to lock the bike and trailer side-by-side. That'll make it impossible to roll away and different to carry away. I'll use a cable lock at other times and just keep an eye it. All the valuable items will be in a removable handlebar bag (I always wondered what it would be like to carry a purse.)

Cash Security - Wallets don't fit in a jersey and I want to be sure to keep money and CCs on me at all times. So, I'm thinking of wearing a waist pocket. I can slide it around to my back while riding and to the front when I'm off the bike.

Storing and Organizing - I bought a bunch of zip-lock bags in different sizes. I figure I can use them to package clothes, maps, electronics, food, tools, etc. The bags don't weigh much, will keep things dry and clean and of course it will be easy to see what is in them.

Cooking - I'm not going to be cooking a lot since this trip is more about riding than camping. I should be able to get by on packaged foods for the most part, but I'm sure there will be times when I'd like something hot. At the very least I should be able to boil some water and make tea or instant oatmeal. So, I figure I need a lightweight mess kit.  A good thermos might be useful too, if I can find one that is lightweight.

Next step: Pick up the bike and take it on a 3-day break-in ride. I want to make sure it is comfortable and also figure out what stuff I forgot and what I can leave behind.

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